
What is server?

A server is system that provides services to other computers and systems. There are various types of server like Application servers, web server, mail server, database server, file server etc.

Server has two important tasks to do:
1. Handle the network connections.
2. Sent Response back to the client.

What is web server?

A web server is system that serves web pages requested by the client using http.
A web application runs on internet. So to run a web app we require web sever type environment. Examples of web serve are: Apache Http server, IIS etc.
Apache tomcat is an open source web server and servlet container written in java.

Apache has following major components:
1. Catalina: It is servlet container.
2. Coyote: It is a Connector components that supports Http protocol.
3. Jaspper: It is Jsp Engine for tomcat.